February 22
Bench and Deadlifting
Powerlifting Event
Pricing & Deadlines: Open Registration to the day before event: $40
Day of event Registration: $50
Athlete Information: You must compete in both Bench Press and Deadlift for chance at Gold, Silver, Bronze medals.Onsite Registration and check in open from 9:30 am until 10:30 am day of event. Medals will be awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, in each weight class and age group.
Schedule: Check in from 9:30am-10:30 am Saturday, February 22nd, 2025. Weigh Ins: Saturday 9:30 am to 10:30 am. Lifters Meeting: 11:00 am Competition begins at: 11:30 am
Rules: NO Lifting Shirts, Suits, or Straps permitted. You can use: Lifting Belts, Wraps (Elbows and Knees), Sleeves, Chalk and Powders.
More detailed rules will be given at the lifters meeting or you may contact Bryan for questions.
Spectator Information: For those that want to cheer on our athletes and to see them bring home the gold here are a few tips: Admission Fee: $10 entry fee. Coaches Fee: $5. Concessions: Will be available.Carry-ins NOT allowed (food &/or drink):
Sport Specific Questions: Contact Event Directors: Bryan Franck 715-212-2157 bfranck7@msn.com or Joey Vanouse 715-848-8297
March 3rd
Transformation Challenge
60 days
Summer is coming ☀️ Welcome to our annual 60 day transformation challenge! This challenge is a great way to get in shape & win some cash 💰
Before pictures: Open the week before and can be taken a week into the challenge
After pictures: Open the week after and CANNOT be taken after our selected end date
Rules and regulations below 👇🏾
1. Like & follow our Facebook and Instagram page
2. Entry fee of $20
- Cash/ prizes for winners
3. Total body composition
-Total inches
-Total pounds lost OR gained (muscle)
-This is a TOTAL BODY not just weight loss
-Before/after pictures must be taken
4. Top 3 men & top 3 women will be awarded prizes
5. Everyone welcome!
Before pictures will be taken the week before and week of starting challenge. After pictures must be taken during the selected time and no later.

BSG Powerlifting Bench and Deadlifting
Pricing & Deadlines:
Both events: Bench Press & Dead lift Register after January 1, 2021: $40
Day of event Registration: $50
Check in from 9:30 am until 10:30 am Saturday, February 15th, 2020
Weigh Ins: Saturday 9:30 am to 10:30 am.
Lifters Meeting: 11:00 am
Competition begins at: 11:30 am
Register Below!

All proceeds benefit Special Olympics Wisconsin
Rebel Ride
Register at Kurt-N-Jo’s Eats-n-Treats, Marathon. Register by Sept 30 to guarantee a t-shirt. Those who register after Sept 30 can still participate
T-shirt pick-up at Kurt-n-Jo’s Oct 26-31 during business hours
Ride at your own leisure during the months of September & October to show support for Special Olympics Wisconsin athletes.
5K Run/Walk
Register at Kurt-N-Jo’s Eats-n-Treats, Marathon. Register by Sept 30 to guarantee a t-shirt. Those who register after Sept 30 can still participate
5K run/walk route and t-shirts pickup begins at Franck’s Gym Oct 26-31
Be Strong Event
Register at Franck’s Gym through Sept 30
Bench Press
Prowler Sled Push
For more information on Be Strong events visit specialolympicswisconsin.com/events/be-strong
T-shirt pickup and competition at Franck’s Gym Oct 26-31